Privileged Access

Managing the right access to resources with elevated privileges has become a cornerstone of modern InfoSec strategies. But executing tight governance on privileged access without making the admins feel like their hands had been tied behind their backs is somewhat of a complex task to solve.
Managing Privileged Access in Business-Friendly ways
We like to trust IT systems and derive value from them in any corporate environment - so we strive to thouroughly analyse which personnel really needs (privileged) access to which assets and define common sense rulesets for managing privileged access without creating an “access crisis” in operations. Our Requirements Engineering skills are put to good use, defining PxM architectures that keep auditors happy and actually work without driving the admins crazy. As with our other areas of expertise, we prefer to do architecture, design and concept work, but may be lured into doing technical work on leading solutions such as below.
- Microsoft Azure AD Privileged Identity Management
- OneIdentity Safeguard
- Hitachi ID Bravura Privilege
- Senhasegura PAM Core
- BeyondTrust Privileged Remote Access