Master Data Records For IAM

Our project experience has taught us, that IAM and IGA projects are not so much technical, but rather process and foremost business driven programs. As such, the dataflows between systems, especially those that are considered authoritative sources or Sources of Truth for identity attributes need to be carefully considered. The Master Data Records usually stem from Systems of Record, such HR and Payroll - and more than once we identified the culprit: the quality of data provided by the sources or the Data Quality Assurance integration between HR and IGA usually are most oftenly sub-par.
Master Data Record Harmonization - its all about Data Quality!
If we ever get our hands dirty with technical work, it is classical “data mangling” with sources of MDR information. We developed our little tool-chain based on typical Extract - Transform - Load (ETL) tools such as Pentaho, to do the surgical work of refining datasets. Then, we resort to Database or LDAP integration to do the heavy lifting and shifting of ID data. Are you struggling with poor IGA/IAM results due to bad HR data? We got you covered!!