umbrella.associatess GmbH

Mergenthalerallee 73-75
65760 Eschborn/Frankfurt  


+49 6196 204 8237


Opening Hours

We usually are available online between Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM in the CET timezone. If you wish to physically visit us, please announce your visit a few days ahead, as we follow a strict “remote work” philosophy and seldomly commute to the office.  

How to get to us

Using Public Transportation, if you reach Frankfurt/Main Central Station, use either S3 or S5 to Bad Soden or Kronberg(Taunus) and exit at “Eschborn Süd” station. Walk down Stuttgarter Strasse up to the crossing with Alfred-Herrhausen-Allee, take a right turn and follow the street up to roundabout. Once you crossed the roundabout just follow Mergenthalerallee 200 m northbound and you reach the Taunus Tower on the right hand side.

If you travel by car, just add the destination address to your favorite GPS/Navigation system. There is plenty of public parking at the sidewalk and some commercial parking available.  

Here is where you find us